What Does a Spine Specialist Do?

If you have a back pain that has lasted for more than three months, it is probably time to find out if you need treatment by a chiropractor. It is important to see a chiropractor if your pain has gone on for a lengthy period because sometimes back pain can be caused by an underlying medical condition. This means that you may have to undergo treatment by a chiropractor to rule out any serious medical conditions that could be causing the pain. Treatment by a chiropractor should not be done without first discussing the problem with your doctor or primary care practitioner.

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Before treatment by a chiropractor, they will take an X-ray of your spine to look at the alignment of your vertebrae. Your spine may need correction if it has been hit, twisted, bent, overstretched or has become lax. In addition, if your pain has been caused by an injury, a chiropractor can make recommendations about what sports or exercises to avoid problems in the future. In some cases, the pain specialist will also recommend physical therapy to help the body heal itself and make the spine stronger. Chiropractors do not treat their patients as though they are medical doctors; in fact, most commonly they will treat the patient with muscle relaxation and therapy to control muscle spasms in the back and relieve the stress on the spine. Treatment spine

Your spine’s health and wellbeing can affect your whole body. A chiropractor’s job is to diagnose spinal problems and recommend treatments for your spine. The treatment plans that they will create for your spine will be based on your symptoms and your medical history. They will discuss with you what treatment options are available and then determine which will work best for you. Often times, they will choose to start you out with simple adjustments, such as heat therapy and stretching, and move on to more strenuous treatments, such as electrical stimulation and manual adjustments.

When you visit a chiropractor, you will be an outpatient and will be seen in an office that is separate from the rest of the office. Most of the time, the chiropractor will use his or her hands to manipulate spinal bones and joints to relieve pain, encourage healing and prevent further injuries to the spine. Sometimes the pain specialist will have a partner to come into the office to assist in the manipulation. When you go to a chiropractor, you will first talk about your symptoms and the pain that you are experiencing, and the chiropractor will then talk to you about your treatment plan and possible future treatments.

You may think that chiropractic care is painful, but you will find that it is not. The treatment plan that your spine will undergo will be personalized to fit your needs and will be fairly minimal. There is usually no uncomfortable injections or uncomfortable devices used during your treatment. If you do feel pain while your treatment is being administered, you should let the chiropractor know about it so that he or she can stop treatment accordingly.

Many people think that chiropractors are simply a place where you get injections and take x-rays. Nothing could be further from the truth. A chiropractor is trained as an orthopedic physician, which means that they treat the skeletal system, specifically the spine. They focus on spinal subluxations, which are the misalignments that occur in the spine. Your chiropractor can give you a treatment plan for your spine that can help to improve the health and overall function of your spine.

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